What We Do

System Design Principles

TagEvac® has a wealth of experience for simplifying evacuation, by understanding the challenges involved and creating solutions that work, often within highly complex buildings.

We use the recognised and accepted methodology for the ‘sweep’ evacuation, and design solutions to meet the needs of the people in and the operation of your building. This means you get the information you need, where you need it, safely and quickly.

From experience we know that systems need to be ‘built’ to fit the way in which building evacuation is carried out. Understanding these requirements, the limitations, and exceptions of each, is the first step. We use this information to advise you on the best solution, whether this is for a single building or one that needs to work across estates with multiple buildings.

Our solutions fall into these tried and tested systems:


The TagEvac® CLASSIC system works in buildings with small to medium sized floor areas, and which are relatively simple in design and use. This conventional system divides floors into evacuation zones. The zones are created using existing building compartmentation, (walls and doors) where possible. In open plan buildings where this cannot be done, we provide additional signage to show the separation between each zone.

CLASSIC systems allow for a TAG Station at the Exit from each zone. The TAG Station holds the TAG and instructions for the Evacuation Marshal. It can also include a visual plan showing the area of the Zone, and the location of the TAG Control Point.


Like the CLASSIC system, the TagEvac® HYBRID system is also designed for workplaces with small to medium sized floor areas, and which are relatively simple in design and use. The difference is that HYBRID has a defined start and finish point at the same location.

This allows the Evacuation Marshal to put on a Hi-Viz tabard at the start to identify their role, carry out a circular sweep of the zone and remove the TAG on Exit.


The TagEvac® Evacuation Marshal Information Point (EMiP) system is designed for buildings with larger floor areas. These buildings often have complex layouts, and more areas to check. To achieve uniformity of process, the EMiP system provides a defined start and finish point for all evacuation zones.

The start point is the EMiP Board. Located at a conspicuous point in each zone, the EMIP is easy to see during normal daily activity, and accessible in an emergency. Like the HYBRID system, it allows the Evacuation Marshal to put on a Hi-Viz tabard at the start to identify their role.

EMiP Boards show an advisory route to carry out the sweep. This helps ensure that all areas are checked in a logical and planned way, and follows the recommended best practice of the Fire & Rescue Service.


For complex buildings, and where zone information needs to be at hand during the sweep process, the TagEvac® Evacuation Marshal Allocation Point (EMAP) system is used. Depending on operational requirements of the building, EMAPs are either located individually within each zone or grouped together at one or more centralised ‘Allocation’ points.

Like the EMiP and HYBRID systems, a Hi-Viz tabard is worn by the Evacuation Marshal at the start point. Next to it, the unique removable EMAP ‘card’ shows a zone plan on the reverse for each zone in the building, and where the zone is located within the building. This information is a particular benefit where EMAPs are sited centrally, and the Evacuation Marshal must walk to the zone to be checked.

By removing a ‘card’ from the EMAP, this shows that the zone is allocated and that the sweep process for that zone is being carried out.

Get in touch and we’ll set up a call to discuss your requirements.